
Pipeline or piped dreams?

By ANITA GABRIEL, senior business editor who feels uneasy whenever it appears as if connections trump business sensibilities. Surely, that's not a good thing?

The closely-guarded and scrupulously-monitored oil and gas sector in the country which reins are tightly gripped by the national oil company, has suddenly become a target of unknown individuals perceivedly pumped up with narcissism more than cash, trumpeting they've landed high-flying multi-billion gawk-worthy (even by stalwart standards) jobs. Really?

Take for example:

How is it possible that a behemoth project of this scale (talking about a 7,000km Trans-Asian Oil and Gas Pipeline project at US$100bil) which involves a full interconnection of gas transmission pipelines stretching from Mersing, Johor to Natuna Islands, Indonesia and from Hanoi, Vietnam to Hong Kong and Guangzhou, China and one that without a doubt, would involve government-to-government negotiation and cooperation as well as that of the big oil companies is being unveiled by Panelpoint a company with a registered address in Negri Sembilan with a RM90,000 paid-up capital?

Indeed, Najib says no nod given to firm for Trans-Asian Oil and Gas Pipeline project:

“No. China? Mersing to China? Gas pipeline? Tak ada (No such thing),” he said after the Umno supreme council meeting yesterday.

Source : http://biz.thestar.com.my/news/story.asp?file=/2011/7/30/business/9206283&sec=business

The notable points are:

Low profile, is one thing. Meeting minimum disclosure standards, quite another.

Truth is, there are plenty reasons to be doubtful when a plan appears lofty from the get-go.

Ask any investment banker. They'll tell you that at any one time, there are numerous proposals “of all sorts” being bandied about. Not all are doable but every now and then, some emerge from the cracks of checks and balances and set a siren of suspicion in the market.

“In some of these proposals, the promoters can't see pass the contract sum. The business case is secondary. They get the government's approval in principle, then they look to churn it at a premium,” says a banker.

The lessons are just as plenty.

Based on the news flow involving the oil and gas sector, it would appear as if corporate Malaysia is flushed with ludicrous gobs of cash. And it may well be. But there's no guarantee that fancy and ambitious plans could eventually be reduced to the exact opposite wobbly warts in the system.

Source: http://biz.thestar.com.my/news/story.asp?file=/2011/7/30/business/9202934&sec=business


For the sake of freedom - 已没有人可以吭声?

For the sake of freedom

To be fair to the Merdeka generation of leaders, they could not possibly have envisaged how laws designed to combat communist terrorists would be used against legitimate political dissenters, but let us hope that the current generation of leaders understand the destructiveness (to themselves and to the nation) of their current behaviour.
~ Tunku ’Abidin Muhriz (founding president of the Institute for Democracy and Economic Affairs)

Source: http://www.thesundaily.my/news/93648


一开始他们来抓犹太人,我没吭声,因为我不是犹太人;后来他们来抓共产党,我没吭声,因为我不是共产党。后来他们来抓工联成员,我没吭声,因为我没有加入工联;后来他们来抓天主教徒,我没吭声,因为我是新教徒;最后他们来抓我时,已没剩任何人可以吭声。~ 德国牧师尼莫勒(Martin Niemoller)

应该关心的 6个人 : http://www.redtomato.com.my/news/%E8%AF%84%E8%AE%BA/8151.html


Project Meru

A combination from the best of both world's project - high tech + high touch retailing. The project site map, artist impression and construction site progress images are yet to be updated. However, some sneak preview into what the virtual world could be offering on pre-launch sessions:

Nice coupons ...


Double layer target marketing ...

Savings all the way ...


找对的人,做对的事;Pay Peanut, Get Monkey


2011年7月4日,《红番茄》免费中文报网络竞赛 在推广前,面子书只有 1431 个粉丝。

7月5日,开始网络推广。截至7月28日,粉丝人数已达 6212 人,一个月内(23天)330% 的增长率。

为什么用粉丝人数来做案例?因为这是其中一个管道,一个大数法则里潜在客户数量的例子(请参阅 concepts behind online campaign 里的图表)。在 more likes equal more dollars? 的普查里也有一些不可忽视的网络社群相关调查数据。





1。当大企业如花旗银行也加入社交网络推广游戏时(Even Citibank taps on Facebook),这一个虚拟管道不可以被企业所忽视。

問題在於,可以克隆(clone) 蘋果,無法克隆創意;可以克隆勞斯萊斯,無法克隆貴氣;可以克隆拉菲堡紅酒,無法克隆品味;可以克隆哈斯塔特,無法克隆人文氣息。可以克隆高鐵,結果無法阻止火車追尾脫軌,代價是數十人命。~ 郑丁贤‧山寨與克隆:http://opinions.sinchew-i.com/node/20251

3。要做好事情,要舍得。找对的人,做对的事。重赏之下必有贤能之士辅佐。网络技术层面可能是阿猪阿狗都会做的事,但创意与营销策略则另当别论。Pay peanut get monkey 的意思是如果你只愿意付 kacang putih 的预算,你很大可能找到一班猢狲!



祝 安康

此前英文相关篇幅:Online Campaign : Red Tomato Weekly Newspaper

一位前辈 n 年前的分享


£3 Billion Super Yacht Made of Gold and Platinum

An interesting news, read the words in bold:

Whatever coats your boat: The History Supreme and its gold hull, commissioned by an anonymous Malaysian businessman, for a reported £3billion (Pic:Newsteam)

According to the World Gold Council, some 165,600 tonnes had been mined at their last estimate in 2009, meaning that the craft has nearly one per cent of the world’s gold.

2 things may worth noting from this story:

1. This must be a very clever businessman.

While designer Stuart Hughes said it took him three years to complete and "I believe it will be mostly in dry dock, it won’t be used, it is just for show," , I would say "what could be better than to store your precious metals with this presentable yacht?"

As at 27th July, 2011:

"Gold currently trades for about £980 (RM4,802) an ounce, while platinum runs close to £1,100 (RM5,390). If it is indeed true that 100 metric tons of gold was used, the precious metals themselves are worth between £3.4 billion (RM16.7 billion) and £3.8 billion (RM18.6 billion), much less than the businessman paid for the entire yacht – at current prices. Three years ago when construction started, gold was trading at below £600 (RM2,940) an ounce. So if the precious metals are removed, melted down and replaced with steel or other cheaper metals, the businessman makes a tidy profit and still gets to keep the yacht."

2. There are a hidden group of truly wealthy and super rich than those on Forbes List

They were asked to refer to the Forbes Billionaires List which lists only three Malaysians having wealth of US$5 billion (RM24.5 billion) or more.

The same case with how they play up Bill Gates and Warren Buffet while it enables them to have more freedom to do things "behind the scene".

If this is not the case, then Forbes may had left out someone in the list. :)

3. RM14.5bn golden yacht story ‘fake’: Motorboat website

The yacht story had initially looked genuine as the golden yacht was featured on the website of UK designer Stuart Hughes. The yacht ‘History Supreme’ is apparently a gold-plated Baia 100, a model introduced by Baia Yachts of Italy in 2008.

But basic journalistic tenets were apparently ignored. The golden yacht story was picked up by half the UK press (and elsewhere) and “reported faithfully, without a call to Baia to check the story’s authenticity”, claims Motorboat & Yachting deputy editor Stewart Campell...


Related Source:



Real World Advice

In an American survey that asked senior citizens what they would do differently if they could relive their lives, three themes that kept cropping up are:

- Take more risks
- Be more thoughtful
- Do things of significance

1. Take more risks (calculated risks)

I would say, take CALCULATED risks.

Anything is risky - when you don't know how to play by the rules, even crossing the road can be very risky.

In the Game of Risk - You can only win if you understand how to play.
This would mean getting out of your comfort zone. What are you willing to take on that may be completely outside your comfort zone?

2. Be more thoughtful

How often do you see people actually take the time to ponder about the things they do? Let’s face it, most people do things as a matter of course, without thinking.

Is it any wonder that many people find their work – and indeed their lives – to be unfulfilling?

Ever wonder how slavery in the 21st century works?

“Go to school, get a job, retire at 55” VS “Retire Young Retire Rich – Never work again! Unless you choose to...” Which one sounds better to you?

3. Do things of significance

Direct quote from Oon Yeoh:

"Doing “something larger than yourself” might sound grandiose, like leaving some kind of legacy for the world. It could mean that, but it could also mean teaching a kid some useful skills that will improve his life. Or doing charitable work that will ease the suffering of the less fortunate. Or writing a blog that will give comfort, insight or inspiration to others. (could be why I setup this blog for a little contribution?)"

Whatever significant activity you decide to take on, do it with care, love and devotion. Sink your teeth into it and embrace it with complete abandon. For one of the great unwritten rules of life is that in order to truly find yourself, you must first lose yourself – to your chosen endeavour.


How the Government is Stealing Your Food?

For starters, is the United States Government really "stealing your food?"


How is this happening?

Well, the way it works is, rather than intervening in grocery stores, or factories where all of this food is produced, the government (via a secret organization that is only required to reveal a fraction of their financial dealings) instead intervenes earlier in the process... in your pocketbook and bank account.

Essentially, what they do is alter your money in a special way so that when you go to the grocery story, the grocery store will actually give you less food than the same money could buy just a few weeks ago.

This occurs in a series of steps. Let me explain...

It starts at the top. The "theft" begins when the Federal Government needs some money. They call up the Federal Reserve and ask for help. The Federal Reserve is the small and secretive group I've alluded to. They're like the Government's own private bank. They have enormous powers. And next to no oversight.

The Federal Reserve says "sure, we can help you." They loan the Government some money. And the Government promises to pay it back.

Of course the Federal Reserve doesn't have any real money to lend. But what they do have is complete control of the financial system in the United States. So they basically end up printing new money out of thin air. The Government doesn't really intend to pay this money back either. But they do print some Treasury bonds – some IOU's – and give them to the Federal Reserve to hold onto... just for good measure. Of course, these days, all of this happens electronically, with a few strokes of a computer keyboard.

Since 2008, the Fed and the Government have created nearly two trillion dollars this way.

This is where the theft reaches you. You see, each new dollar created out of thin air this way must get its value from somewhere. Where does it get it?

It drains it from the existing money.

Every time this happens – every time a new dollar gets created out of thin air – a little bit of value is stolen from the money you currently hold.

This is what most people refer to as "inflation." Check out the videos and examples in inflation explained.

Two comics that illustrate the situation:

Image source: http://www.flickr.com/photos/teohyc/3379282068/sizes/o/in/photostream/


Inflation Explained

This is what most people refer to as "inflation."

For instance, let's say you have $100,000 in the bank. At 9.6%, which many folks believe to be the real rate of inflation...here's what your money would look like over time:

Value of $100,000 After the Effects
of 9.6% Inflation per Year

Year 1

Year 2

Year 3

Year 4

Year 5

Year 6

Year 7

Year 8

Year 9

Year 10











After a decade of 9.6% inflation, you'd be left with $39,985.

A $60,000 loss, just by doing nothing!

With inflation, the Government is stealing money from your bank account!

But really, the way it works out is that instead of dipping into your bank account and taking money, your money gets stolen in other ways...

Food, energy, water... consumer goods...

You see, with each new dollar that's created out of thin air being worth less, producers have to raise prices.


Because the goods they're selling aren't changing in value. But the dollars you hold certainly are. They have to raise prices just to keep up.

Same deal with wholesalers, retailers... all the way down the line.

Inflation Explained

The scary thing about inflation is how even a small amount – especially if you're retired on a fixed income – can eat away at your money...

Let's assume, just for the sake of illustration, that the Government is right... that Ben Bernanke is right... and that the Bureau of Labor Statistics' changes to the CPI over the years have just been important tweaks, not manipulations...

Here's the effect 2.6% inflation would have on $100,000:

Value of $100,000 After the Effects
of 2.6% Inflation per Year

Year 1

Year 2

Year 3

Year 4

Year 5

Year 6

Year 7

Year 8

Year 9

Year 10

As you can see, after 4 years, even at that relatively low rate of inflation, you've still lost ten grand...

After a decade, you've lost $23,000 and change...

What about hyperinflation? What would that look like:

Value of $100,000 After the Effects
of 20% Inflation per Year

Year 1

Year 2

Year 3

Year 4

Year 5

Year 6

Year 7

Year 8

Year 9

Year 10

Could this really happen?

Many folks believe we're heading down that path...

Quantitative Easing Explained

For those who knows Chinese language, the comic illustration about inflation in 钱不等于财富 钞票不等于资产 may give you some insights. You may also want to figure out How the Government is Stealing Your Food through inflation.

When A Gallon of Milk Costs Seventy Dollars


Australia & Malaysia

1. On May 7, Australian Prime Minister Julia Gillard and Prime Minister Datuk Seri Najib Abdul Razak announced the deal which will see 800 asylum seekers who try to make their way to Australia by boat instead taken immediately to Malaysia for processing. In return, Australia will expand its humanitarian intake to resettle an extra 4,000 genuine refugees already residing in Malaysia over four years at a cost of A$292 million (RM928 million)

2. Concerned as to the harmful health effects from radioactive and other toxic waste residues of the proposed Lynas Rare Earth Refinery Project in Gebeng, Pahang. Worse, this projected plant touted as the "largest" rare earth refinery in the world is so close to human habitation.

No dose of radiation is safe
Why do Aussies’ dirty work?
Survivors then, survivors now
Not in Australia’s backyard
Australians oppose Malaysia boatpeople deal: poll
UN rights chief raps Australia on refugees, racism
'Pull out of asylum deal'
No dose of radiation is safe
Dr David KL Quek

There should have been greater importance placed on exhaustive public information sharing and engagement, public safety guarantees, environmental impact studies, and prudent if impregnable long-term waste disclosure and disposal management, versus simply, "economic" gain.

No monetary returns of whatever foreign direct investment and its spin-offs can outweigh possible radiation and/or other health risks. Thorium-232 for example has a half-life of some 14 billion years, and gives off alpha particles. This radionuclide residue is recognised as being
extremely hazardous for humans and life forms.

Our remit is why should we add on to the potential hazards when this is man made and almost certainly uncontainable?


Why do Aussies’ dirty work?
Diplomatically Speaking
By Dennis Ignatius

The problem of asylum seekers is indeed a serious one. Malaysia is right to cooperate with other countries to stymie the immoral work of people smugglers and human traffickers. As well, we certainly ought to take our obligations towards genuine refugees far more seriously than we now do.

Becoming a dumping ground for unwanted illegals or doing Australia’s dirty work, however, neither serves our interests nor does justice to asylum seekers.


Survivors then, survivors now
By Petra Gimbad

poorer communities are compelled to earn income more lucratively through criminal means... Many of us take pride in our rich ancestries by acknowledging, for example, our Arab, Chinese, Javanese or Sri Lankan origins. Part of our pride lies precisely in the knowledge that we descend from the same stock as survivors who made it through war or economic desperation...

If we reflect on our roots, we can reduce much fear and see that persons seeking refuge share much in common with those who came before us. Realising this, we will practise better the hospitality and compassion that we are known for and that is present in our country.


Not in Australia’s backyard

Coming hot on the heals of the now stalled plan to build a certain rare earth processing plant in Pahang, Malaysia seems to be accepting a lot of things that Australia does not necessarily want in its own backyard.

After all, transference to Malaysia is only one possible outcome and a chance of being processed will be good enough for many desperate persons. As it is, there are already thousands in Malaysia hoping to resettle in Australia.

If Australia is sincere in wanting to ensure that "transferees will be treated with dignity and respect and in accordance with human rights standards", it should consider that Malaysia too faced controversy over conditions in local immigration detention camps.

More worrying, Australian detention centres have become notorious for increasingly frequent riots, suicides and self-harm attempts, the latest of which occurred last month when protesters burned down a Sydney detention centre. How will Australia compensate if the same occurs in its Malay-sian centre?

If Malaysia’s intention in signing the deal is to improve treatment of asylum seekers, there are many more alternatives than this potentially problematic deal. Malaysia can play a more active role in regional conflict resolution to address the root cause of refugee migration or focus on border security to target people smugglers. We can also consider regularising many of those with legitimate claims already residing here or allow employers to employ refugees while they await resettlement. At least the latter can help us address our labour shortage while giving refugees a way to make a small but important living. Anything would be better than creating the conditions for further rights violations of asylum seekers.


Australians oppose Malaysia boatpeople deal: poll

SYDNEY (AFP) – Nearly six in ten Australians oppose the government's plan to send asylum seekers to Malaysia, with many believing it will do little to stop the arrival of boatpeople, a poll showed Monday.


UN rights chief raps Australia on refugees, racism
By Rob Taylor
CANBERRA | Wed May 25, 2011 12:03pm IST

(Reuters) - The United Nations' top human rights watchdog on Wednesday attacked Australia's tough refugee policies and the treatment of outback Aborigines, saying there was a strong undercurrent of racism in the country.

Long-standing policies of locking up asylum seekers had "cast a shadow over Australia's human rights record", and appeared to be completely arbitrary, U.N. Human Rights Commissioner Navi Pillay said.

While Pillay's criticism may cause Australia some discomfort internationally, it is unlikely to convince Gillard or her conservative political opponents to change tack, given polls showing wide voter concern about border security.

She also criticised an "intervention" policy introduced by the former conservative government and continued by Gillard which places controls on welfare spending for Aborigines to help fight alcohol and child sex abuse in remote outback areas.


'Pull out of asylum deal'
> NGOs urge Australia to stop transfer of 800 refugees to Malaysia
by Karen Arukesamy

Five NGOs, namely Tenaganita, Suara Rakyat Malaysia (Suaram), Lawyers for Liberty (LFL), Malaysian Social Research Institute and Health Equity Initiatives have submitted a memorandum to the Australian High Commission urging it to stop the transfer immediately.

"Without ratifying the United Nations Convention for Refugees, the deal should not go through because sending the 800 refugees here would cause serious human rights violations," Tenaganita head Irene Fernandez told reporters after submitting the memorandum yesterday.

Malaysia is not a signatory of the 1951 Convention relating to the Status of Refugees. On the other hand, Australia has ratified the convention and is obliged to promote and protect the sights of the asylum seekers and refugees.

The Sun Daily, May 26, 2011




美国进行颜色革命之前,会通过培训、收买、舆论造势及国际机构颁奖,以培养与挑选“亲美代理人”, 并选择最能体现和维护美国利益的代理人。














Source: http://www.redtomato.com.my/news/%E8%AF%84%E8%AE%BA/8086.html

Effective Change: Political or Non Partisan




Regenerative Medicine - A Matter of Life and Death

Boobs are just the beginning. If there is one company that can grow new organs, limbs, and bone...and you can buy shares of it right now, before anyone else knows it exists, how does that sound?

That’s how a national magazine led off an article about the miracle of regenerative medicine.

But it's not just boobs...

Modern biotech companies are literally changing life as we know it, and they’re making life-changing profits in the process.

This miracle means patients with breasts lost to surgery — as well as women who are simply unhappy with their own bodies — can now re-grow new ones with raw materials harvested from their own body fat.

Think about that for a moment.

Then think about the fortunes that will be made as this technology is used to grow new organs, regenerate limbs, and eradicate disease as we know it…

You may have already heard of some of these buzzwords:

- tissue engineering
- cell therapy
- regenerative medicine

Today, they’re as real as your morning sunrise.

Regenerative medicine is a relatively new field that brings together experts in biology, chemistry, computer science, engineering, genetics, medicine and robotics, among others, to find solutions to some of the most challenging problems faced by the medical community.

Its essence is much simpler: to harness the body’s natural healing processes and activate these processes when and where they're critically needed.

"The reason this technology works is that it's not really surgery," explains Dr. Anthony Atala, one of the field's most renowned researchers. According to Atala, doctors using these techniques are essentially "just priming the pump" by putting the appropriate cells into the appropriate place, and asking the body to do the rest.

I've reported before on the reasons these methods have allowed Dr. Atala and his team to make history of their own. Between 2004 and 2007, Atala successfully reconstructed urethras in five young patients using the patients' own cells.

With their made-to-order implants now in place for more than five years, Atala reports, "These children are now totally normal... They're running around and doing the things they usually do."

The Investor's Edge

While the success of regenerative medicine cannot be denied, this portion of the biotech sector is still practically brand-new.

But that "investor's edge" isn't likely to last long, according to Life Science Intelligence. The firm projects the global market for tissue-regenerative products could be worth more than $118 billion in just three years. By comparison, today's market stands at roughly $1.8 million.

Now try, if you can, to imagine how much money is going to be made in this arena over the next three years and beyond as these successes take hold in the market...

It could be life-changing in its own right.

I've discovered a company whose scientists are creating living, functional tissue to repair or replace organ function lost to age, disease, or congenital defects. To call what they do “revolutionary” doesn't do it justice...

It is nothing less than science fiction brought to life.

Your bargain-hunting analyst,
Steve Christ

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Blood-in-the-streets Investing : Buy Fear and Sell Greed

Quote from the 1800's, by the father of a still-prominent banking dynasty:
The time to buy is when there's blood in the streets. ~ Baron Rothschild

My readers and I buy fear and sell greed.

This is "blood-in-the-streets investing," pure and simple.

The 19th century banking magnet Baron Von Rothschild is credited with saying, "The time to buy is when blood is flowing in the streets, even if it's your own." He made a fortune buying Paris real estate after Napoleon's defeat at Waterloo.

The idea is quite simple: When everyone is selling and no one is buying, the price must be low. Furthermore, when the buyers return — and buyers always return to true value — they will pay a premium as they rush back in.

Crisis and Opportunity will coolly buy when others sell in panic... and sell back to them when the herd changes direction and tells each other, "Now is a smart time to buy."

On the other hand, if you have the head to coolly buy from those who panic and sell to fools who think they are smart... if 1,000%-plus profits are important to you...

Christian DeHaemer


Even Citibank Taps On Facebook

What's in your mind when Citibank aims for 100,000 Facebook fans?

A good point to consider is: leveraging on the social media to increase brand awareness and build stronger customer relationships via direct interaction and feedback.

As I said, two of the top traffic sites on the internet are Google and Facebook, if you are not getting traffic from these 2 as part of your visitors source, you may be making a mistake (of course, there are other ways to get traffic, it's a mix-and-match strategy)



More ‘Likes’ Equal More Dollars?

In today’s digital economy, vendors must enable a fluid transaction process in order to ensure positive feedback on social media channels and build customer loyalty. ~ Charlie Born, vice president of marketing at Plimus

When even Citibank taps on Facebook, focus should be on:

1. simplifying the shopping experience, and
2. streamlining the payment process,

so that vendors not only will drive new visitors to their sites, but they will keep visitors coming back time and time again.

A survey conducted by Plimus Inc. reveals that:

- 85 percent of survey participants visit social networking sites such as Facebook, Twitter and LinkedIn daily
- One in three consumers indicated that online vendors could better engage them by incorporating more social media elements into their sites
- More than half of all respondents reported that peer recommendations most influenced the purchases they make online
- More than half of survey participants consider an intuitive and simple order page the “ultimate” online experience
- 50 percent of respondents stated that limiting the amount of personal information required to purchase digital goods enhanced their shopping experience

In summary, shoppers value a complete, immersive experience when it comes to purchasing online content. Vendors should provide the best customer experience possible and secure positive peer reviews throughout the social Web.

Don't make me think. Don't make me do extra work!

Source: http://home.plimus.com/ecommerce/press-releases/survey-more-likes-can-equal-more-dollars-for-online-vendors


Senai 40 Acre

Estimate harvest average 9.6 tons per acre last year (2010) - not well managed.

Tree: 9 years age (peak production period).

Location: Good (Near Senai Airport, Iskandar Zone).

Zoning: Industrial

Rancangan Tempatan Daerah Johor Bahru


I found this through Google:



Effecting change: Political or non-partisan?

Democracy must be something more than two wolves and a sheep voting on what to have for dinner. ~ James Bovard

it was revealing that when asked whether or not they would see themselves working in a full-time position over the next five to ten years within the civil service, a non-governmental organisation, think tank, media or active civil society, with the objective of contributing to national development, only four out of the 42 responded positively. The rest either felt it would be futile to fight the system, or preferred to work in a more productive environment such as within the private sector.


There was also a strong indication that they would rather work within a non-partisan and independent organisation, preferring not to be affiliated with any one side. This is a trend that is strangely enough creeping upon many Malaysians, even those who were once vocally opposing government policies.

Perhaps this is to do with disillusionment over both sides – Barisan or Pakatan – where they perceive neither has delivered on concrete policies, or lived up to what was originally promised.

The ability of Bersih 2.0, for example, to garner support from a large cross-section of society, is equally telling of current sentiments, where it is becoming increasingly popular to call oneself part of “civil society”, this ever-evolving and often undefinable entity...we have witnessed the childish descent into gutter politics, outright lies, ridiculous statements, and would not wish ourselves a part of this crude ugliness...because of this, there is an increased interest in starting initiatives outside the formal political process.

These platforms are not directly political per se, but they certainly have political content that pushes the boundaries and urges critical social action for political change.

Maximum impact

Knowing the landscape of politics that we have today, the question remains: What should I do to ensure my involvement leads to maximum impact for the country’s future?

In an ideal world, civil society ought to occupy as legitimate a position as political parties in pushing for change. The pressures placed by a loud enough community ought to nudge along those in power, making them sit up and listen.

Ultimately, until and unless civil society – or any non-partisan body – is recognised as an equal partner within formal committees, taskforces and the like for the purposes of policy reform, there will still be a tendency for political parties to be relied upon to advance a particular cause.

Tricia Yeoh is director at a market research consultancy, having worked in the think-tank and public sectors previously. She writes on national and socio-economic issues.

Source: http://www.thesundaily.my/news/79681


Ben Bernanke VS Ron Paul

Ron Paul: Do you think gold is money?

Ben Bernanke: (…long pause…) No. It’s a precious metal.

Ron Paul: Even if it has been money for 6000 years, somebody reversed that and eliminated that economic law?

Ben Bernanke: Well, it’s an asset. Would you say Treasury bills are money? I don’t think they’re money either, but they’re a financial asset.

Ron Paul: Why do central banks hold it?

Ben Bernanke: It’s a form of reserves.

Ron Paul: Why don’t they hold diamonds?

Ben Bernanke: Well, it’s tradition. Long term tradition.

Ron Paul: Some people still think it’s money.

Here's Mr. Bernanke answering a question by Texas Rep. Ron Paul. The topic is gold, whether it is money, and why central banks still own it.

Bernanke Signals QE3 Likely -- Silver and Gold Soar


Australia & Carbon Tax

Interesting progress on carbon tax, in Australia.

Jul 07, 2011: Australia halves carbon tax list to 500 companies
Gillard told Parliament on Thursday that 500 companies that are among Australia’s worst carbon polluters would pay the tax starting July next year.

Jul 10, 2011: Australia set to unveil carbon price
"From July 1 next year, the freedom to pollute our skies will cease. Two decades of denial and delay will come to an end. Polluters will have to pay."

Reports have suggested that carbon dioxide emissions will initially be taxed at A$23 (US$24.70) per tonne, on a par with the European Union's emissions trading scheme.

Major mining companies such as BHP Billiton, Rio Tinto and Xstrata are expected to be hit by the tax, liable for a combined A$380 million under a conservative price of A$20 a tonne, according to modelling by the Australian Financial Review.

Jul 11,2011: Australia begins selling disputed pollution tax
While Canberra insists the tax on the nation's 500 biggest polluters will help slow global warming and save natural treasures such as the Great Barrier Reef, opponents say it will have little effect on climate change but will cost taxpayers billions and force major industry to slash production and jobs.

"The core of this is those big polluters will pay a price, they're smart business people, when a bill comes in for carbon pollution they'll say, 'How can I reduce that bill, how can I change my processes so I generate less carbon pollution?'."

The prime minister said the new tax, which will be offset by a package of personal tax breaks, was needed to tackle carbon pollution in Australia, one of the world's biggest per capita carbon emitters.

Coal, carbon and contradictions
The Prime Minister conveniently ignores the fact that the challenge of reducing emissions is a global problem - the atmosphere does not differentiate between emissions released in Australia or in other parts of the world.


Related Readings:
He rejected a carbon tax on fuel. Why? Because the oil companies would fight back. Here's my point: While Obama is a good man, it's banks and money that rule the world.


世界环保银行的核心概念就是“以债务替换自然资源”(Debt for Nature Swap)。


Decolonisation of Universities, An inquiring mind will set you free

cogito ergo sum, in Latin, to mean I think therefore I am.

The expose by the scholars and participants from 20 countries help to convince those who were still hesitant about the need for efforts to decolonise universities – still very much Eurocentric – in Asia and Africa that the knowledge they had been “brainwashed” into believing as being universal was not universal at all and based on false assumptions.

It was also meant to provoke re-thinking about the assumptions they had made based on discoveries and ideas of western scholars published in western academic journals, that nothing should be accepted as universal truth without careful scrutiny.

The West seems reluctant to acknowledge scholars from India, China, Africa and those from the Muslim world and promotes the idea that the Bologna monastic school was the first university.

Thus, few know about the great universities of Taxila, Nalanda, Zaytuna and Nanjing which preceded Bologna.

... the conference agreed that while the physical colonisation is long gone – hopefully so, said some – the mental colonisation is very much alive.

Thus the call for the need to purge the “West in us” before efforts to decolonise can truly begin.


An inquiring mind will set you free

While the physical colonisation ended with the lowering of the Union Jack on Aug 31, 1957, the colonisation of the mind has not ended.

The West is clever at explaining and rationalising discoveries made by non-Europeans which it copied. They use the word modern for something they took from us. Thus the redevelopment of the movable type printing press by Johannes Guttenberg in 1436 was called modern to differentiate it from the one invented by the Chinese almost 400 years earlier.

There were many cases of Westerners taking the discoveries of Easterners without acknowledging them. Yes, they stole. But they would scream blue murder if any Easterner today were to use their discoveries without acknowledging it.

Some of our minds are so completely colonised that we find it difficult to believe that Europeans plagiarised our discoveries but would not hesitate to condemn any of us who has been suspected of “stealing” the work of a Westerner.

By being critical and unwilling to accept something without question, we may discover that much of what we know – our knowledge – has been based on wrong assumptions and basis.

Mohan: So what can we do?

Zain: Question. Why is a university divided into faculties? Africa and Asia had universities long before the first European university was established in Bologna in 1088. How were the pre-European universities of Africa and Asia divided? Why do we structure our campuses the way the Europeans do? Is there any other way? Already there are some experiments going on in certain campuses in Africa? And then there is the Swaraj University experiment in India.

Mohan: Are we going about this independent of the West?

Zain: No. The idea is to work together. The Westerners too have to critically examine what they have in place. It is going to take a long time, but the conference in Penang is a start.


Follow Up:
Human Failings Not The Issue (The Sun Daily, 20th July 2011)

The declared church policy since Orosius (4th c.) was that it was moral to tell lies to benefit the church. That is, after the church combined with the state, it used false history as an instrument of mind control.

the false history built by the Church continues to be institutionally maintained today. One of my proposals at the conference was the creation of forums for an open debate on history and philosophy of science, not mediated by the heavy arm of Western authority.

Decades after political independence, countries like India and Malaysia have few institutions to re-examine this history which was the source of their mental bondage. So we need a lot more of such attempts, not less for a level debate to be possible.

C.K. Raju, Visiting Professor
School of Mathematical Science, Universiti Sains Malaysia, Penang


Show us the evidence

Raju must in his own words defend his assertions, "History must be based on evidence".

Patrick C. Augustin, 15 August 2011
Kuala Lumpur


East, west, what’s best

From what has appeared in the press, most if not all, our problems are with the western-initiated and we in the east are unfortunate victims; but, given another chance, we can do much better.

K. J. John, 18 August 2011



Savers are Losers : Proof

Finally, appeared in the news.

PETALING JAYA (July 10, 2011): Bank Negara Malaysia's (BNM) decision to leave the key interest rate unchanged last week betrayed policymakers' concern about growth risk, which appeared to have trumped worries about inflation.

Never mind that savers will continue to see negative real returns from their deposits.


Received an email with subject: "How to Beat Bernanke's War on Savers" on 10th July, and the news appeared in newspaper on 11th July. Call it co-incidence?

Some interesting points in the email from my advisor:

There is no other way to put this because it is true: Ben Bernanke hates savers.
With his zero interest rate policy (ZIRP), he has virtually declared war on each and every one of them.

In his efforts to push asset prices higher, Ben believes savers should actually be pushed from the nest into the world of stocks. After all, in Ben’s world, the safety of money in the bank earning a reasonable interest rate is a dangerous thing...

That’s why folks with savings have been virtually forced out into the markets these days in a search for higher yields.

Ben knows those 1.25 % savings account and CD rates simply won’t cut it.

Note also that "The result is that high-paying dividend stocks have been among the best performers in the market since this disaster began."

Related readings:


注:ZIRP 是在补贴银行系统和银行从业者的红利。

Savers are Losers


Slavery In The 21st Century?

Karl Marx defined the proletariat as a class of capitalist society that does not have ownership of the means of production. All they have to sell is their labor for a wage or salary.

This is what our school systems do. Schools produce the proletarial class of a capitalist society. Schools do not teach people to be capitalists.

Due to a lack of financial education, even the highly educated workers have their wealth siphoned off by debt via the banking system, their retirement via the investment-banking system, their labor via taxes, and what is left via inflation. If they own shares of a company, they own common shares - common shares for common people.

The plantation system is alive and well, even in the Information Age.

The Workers Class

In Marxist theory, proletarians are wage-workers, trained - like Pavlov trained his dogs - to work for money. Our school system produces this class of capitalism, the proletariat class, a wage earner, a person who leaves school looking for a job.

Pavlov caused his dogs to salivate by ringing a bell. Our education system rings the school bell, chiming the promise of a high-paying job. All someone has to say is "high-paying job," and people start lining up.

Many will never own anything of value, and many will die with nothing, simply because our schools, while resenting the rich, produce the workers they claim the rich exploit.

A job is not an asset. You cannot own a job, you cannot pass your job on to your kids.
Money is not an asset. Today, money is debt and is rapidly being devalued with more national debt.
Your home is not an asset. You are the asset. Every month, homeowners send checks to the bank, tax department, insurance, and utility companies.
Your retirement plan is not an asset. It is an unfunded liability. Your retirement savings go to the rich who use your money to acquire their assets - real assets. (In other words, the worker's savings in their retirement plan is only a source of cash for true capitalists)

A Self-fulfilling Prophecy

One problem with the school system is the failure to focus on true capitalism. Hence, we have corrupted capitalism and corrupted governments running the world. In schools, there is a subtle socialist agenda, a subtle undercurrent implying "the rich are greedy."

Students who leave school, looking for a high-paying job, soon fly into the web of capitalism, not because capitalism is necessarily evil, but because the education system fails to prepare students for the real world.

Without financial education, students are trained to be the victim of capitalism. The school system's belief that "the rich are greedy" becomes a self-fulfilling prophecy.

Who Will Win?

Marx envisioned a war between the proletariat and the bourgeoisie, the capitalist class, since workers naturally wish their wages to be as high as possible, while the bourgeoisie, the capitalists, wish for wages to be as low as possible.

The capitalists win because it is easy to move production to lower-wage nations. Technology also reduces the number of workers needed to run a business.

Production goes up, labor costs go down, and capitalists win.

In the new economy, where money is no longer real money, the working class works for nothing. They have no assets.

The bourgeoisie isolate their world from the world of the working class via the education system. In other words, the educational system is being used as the primary agent of the so-called "greedy rich" whom educators despise.

This is why there is no true financial education in schools.

Most people go to school to learn how to earn money, but only for themselves and their family. Few people go to school to learn how to produce more and produce more for more people.

This is what happens when Employees and Self Employed do not know the difference between assets and liabilities: they spend their lives working to accumulate liabilities, believing they are assets.

They go to school to find a job without knowing that a job is not an asset.
They work for money, not knowing that money is no longer money.
They buy a house, not knowing that a house is not an asset.
They save for their retirement, not knowing that stocks and mutual funds are not really assets.
When their jobs are shipped overseas, they go back to school to be retrained for a new job.
And they advise their kids to do the same thing.

The plantation system is alive and well, even in the Information Age.


"True education was to be restricted to the son and daughters of the elite. For the rest, it would be better to produce skilled workers with no particular aspirations other than to enjoy life." G.Edward Griffin in The Creature from Jekyll Island, on Rockefeller's General Education Board, founded in 1903.

From the book: Unfair Advantage: The Power of Financial Education


Online Campaign : Red Tomato Weekly Newspaper

In conjunction with America's Independence Day, the screenshot of fans count for Red Tomato weekly newspaper prior to online campaign I Love Red Tomato launching.

As at 23rd July 2011, nearly 18 days after project launched at 5th July 2011, the fans count increased to 3,581 (from 1,431) - an increase by >100% !

This is the screenshot for campaign participants as at 23rd July 2011:

Stay tuned for more updates!


Flying McCoy

"We donate a portion of our profits to help save the rain forests." :)


All for Anak Malaysia

I am all for Anak Malaysia.

Below are the responses refer to the letter “Are we ready for Anak Malaysia?” published on July 4th, The Sun Daily free newspaper.

All for Anak Malaysia

There are times when I buy Berita Harian and Utusan, but the contents are often blatantly racist and written only for a target group from the choice of subject matter and angle. If the writer himself reads these newspapers, he should take a step back and ask himself how he would feel reading them if he were in my shoes.

Do the writer and everyone else notice that it is not about national or vernacular schools anymore? People who can afford to are sending their children to private schools, and those who are even richer, to international schools. The divide is now between the haves and haves-not.


Schools not to blame for disunity

The main problem that has caused discomfort among us is the political agenda of certain politicians and their provoking statements published in certain newspapers. I agree, however, that we must have a common language, Bahasa Malaysia, and that we must try to make use of it whenever there is an occasion where the participants are from various races to encourage interaction and communication.
~ David Tan, Melaka

Berita Harian and Utusan do not represent the whole Malay voice. There are many Malay newspapers, books and magazines in the market which are not racist. The most important thing is to strengthen the command of Bahasa Malaysia. ~ Omar, Kajang

The Malay word for God is tuhan, and Allah is the proper name for God in Islam. The Arabic word for God is ilah, which all Muslims know. ~ Shahrir, via email



My Dad Is A Garbage Man

Read this from a book:

"My dad is a garbage man."

I did not think much about it until I was invited to his home for Thanksgiving dinner. Rather than pick us up in his car, his dad flew us to their home in his private jet, two hours away from New York. Needless to say, his home was a mansion.

When I inquired about his dad's profession as a garbage man, he said, "My dad owns the largest garbage collection company in the state. He has over two hundred trucks and over a thousand employees. He also owns the land where the garbage is disposed. His biggest customer is the state and city government."

Coincidently, saw this in the newspaper one day later:


The rise of mobile, the success of Facebook and the expansion of Google

In summary, Mobile, Facebook and Google contribute to spending growth.

The question is, how well would you position yourself when you know that total online ad spending will approach $50 billion by 2015?

Take note that with better devices and higher bandwidth, video advertising will be more common because it generates greater audience attention than other digital ad formats. In other words, it will continues to attract new ad spending from brands.


With many of the digital content delivery channels made available, you should still understand well the concepts behind online campaign, because if you don't get the importance of having a sound business model, you may be spending your ads dollars unwisely.


7 Signs That China’s ‘Bubble Economy” Is About to Burst

7 Signs That China’s ‘Bubble Economy” Is About to Burst
— and What That Means for the Rest of Us

If you follow the mainstream financial media, you’re probably under the impression that all the problems threatening the U.S. economy today are homegrown — and that China is about to “eat our lunch.”

Don’t believe it. The reality is, despite its very real progress over the last three decades, China in recent years has been pursuing policies that in many ways duplicate the very same mistakes that led to the U.S. financial crisis — and will lead to a very similar outcome.

Only this time, the broader effects on the global economy — and on the U.S. in particular — could be worse. Much worse.

Don’t get me wrong. I’m not saying that China will never be the global economic superpower many are predicting. What I am saying is that there will be some big bumps in that road — and that one of the biggest is about to knock the wheels off the Chinese juggernaut.

Again, this is not my opinion alone. Nor is it the opinion of some Ivy League ideologue with no actual experience in the financial markets.

Exhibit A: Edward Chancellor, who, as author of the recent bestseller, Devil Take the Hindmost: A History of Financial Speculation, is not only THE leading expert on speculative bubbles, but is also an active asset allocation expert for GMO, the global investment management firm.

It was for GMO and its clients, in fact, that Chancellor recently wrote an 8,500-word internal “white paper” in which he argued:

“China is showing many of the classic symptoms of a great speculative mania alongside several of the leading indicators of financial fragility.”

He also warned that “China’s current situation is reminiscent of the late stages of the dotcom bubble.”

You read that right: the late stages. In other words, the “China Bubble” is about to burst.

To support his contention, Chancellor first analyzes the “classic signs” of speculative bubbles — and then shows how China currently fulfills each and every one. Here are the key ones, summarized and supplemented by my own analysis and that of other economists:

Classic “Bubble” Sign #1: A compelling but exaggerated growth story. 
Every speculative bubble has one. Railroads in the 19th century. Radio in the 1920s. The Internet in the 1990s. Not that these things aren’t real; it’s just that their growth prospects become wildly exaggerated and extrapolated into the far-distant future.

China’s “growth story” is its own massive population. 1.3 billion people emerging from the slavery and poverty of communism into the freedom and prosperity of capitalism! 300 million country-dwellers — roughly equivalent to the entire U.S. population — moving into the towns and cities over the next decade alone — driving up demand for industrial commodities and consumer goods exponentially!

Compelling indeed — but there are worms in this apple. For instance, many new urban dwellers are essentially migrant workers who come when there is work, leave when jobs vanish, are poorly paid, and have seen little real wage growth over the last decade. “Equating the expansion of the urban population with the growth of the middle class is simplistic,” writes one expert on Chinese demography.

More important, thanks to decades of its brutally-enforced “one child” population policy, China’s population is actually set to decline in 2015, and its worker participation rate will peak this year — after which the numbers of people joining the workforce will fall off rapidly. If you would look at the real future of China, look at Japan, whose own aging population is the hidden cause of its continuing decline.

Classic “Bubble” Sign #2: Blind faith in the competence of authorities. 
“One of the wonders of modern China,” writes Chancellor, “is that it has turned some of the world’s most ardent capitalists into fervent admirers of an economy managed by communists.”

But it is only the closed nature of Chinese society that allows this illusion to flourish. To the extent we can see what’s really going on behind the Great Wall of Secrecy, we find that China’s central planners are making the usual sorts of mistakes typical of their kind.

Such as:

A focus on “trophy investments projects” that leads to misallocation of capital
An over-reliance on exports, causing a growing trade surplus with the West – which cannot continue without inviting protectionism
Favoritism for state-owned enterprises (SOEs) that stifles innovation and private enterprise
GDP growth targets that the central authorities impose on local governments – which are liable to being gamed, and often lead to costly boondoggles

There's also a presumption that nothing bad can happen to Chinese banks because they’re a key instrument of Beijing's economic policy — and despite their long and proven record of bad lending practices.

“Too big to fail,” anyone?

Classic “Bubble” Sign #3: A government-fueled investment boom. 
In a free-market economy, investments fall during periods of uncertainty. Yet in 2009, Chinese investments in fixed assets jumped by 30%, rising to a record 58% of GDP. Roughly a quarter of this investment was state-directed, with many projects serving solely to meet local GDP growth targets.

One commentator says China is following the “Asian growth model on steroids” — i.e., the pattern of the Asian Tiger economies, boosting growth through ever-increasing investment, which led to the Asian Crisis of 1997-98.

The difference? China's investment share of GDP is higher than any Asian economy in history — so its problems are potentially greater.

Classic “Bubble” Sign #4: “In Real Estate We Trust”. 
You’d think China would have learned something from the U.S. housing crash. But despite our cautionary example, Chinese authorities are pursuing massive commercial and residential real estate construction despite lack of perceptible demand.

Among the results: the newly constructed “ghost town” of Ordos in Inner Mongolia — with housing for a million, and virtually no residents.

“Build it and they will come” — or maybe they won’t.

In addition, for Chinese households, artificially low rates of interest on their savings are also driving them into speculating in real estate — just as Americans did in the years leading up to the 2008 crash.

As a result, in China today, residential real estate is averaging between 20 and 40 times average household income — compared to roughly 10 to 12 times household income at the height of the U.S. housing bubble in the most overvalued neighborhoods.

“This has to qualify as the most dramatically overvalued real-estate bubble in world history,” writes Steven Jon Kaplan of TrueContrarian.com.

Why isn’t this all over the financial media? Explains Kaplan: “While there is no way to know for certain, it is possible that the Chinese government has forbid any discussion in their local media of the possibility of a real-estate collapse in that country, so as to prevent widespread public panic..”

But that can change rapidly. “As soon as the psychology among the average Chinese person switches from ‘real estate only goes up’ to ‘I’d better sell before my neighbor does,’ an accelerated pullback is likely—as anyone in Tokyo, Dublin, or Phoenix can attest.”

Classic “Bubble” Sign #5: A surge in corruption. 
“All great speculative manias have been accompanied by rising levels of fraud,” observes Edwin Chancellor — and it’s only after the bubble bursts that the Madoffs and Enrons come to light.

Here, of course, is where the closed nature of Chinese society is especially worrisome: China recently earned a dismal 3.5 (out of 10, for “very clean”) in Transparency International’s 2010 Corruption Perceptions Index, giving it a rank of 78... just below Tobago.

More worrisome: the real estate boom and infrastructure spending that are driving Chinese growth areespecially susceptible to corruption. As evidence, the New York Times reports that while China is the fastest-growing market for luxury goods, half of all those luxury sales are estimated to be bribes.

“Endemic corruption,” writes China expert Professor Minxin Pei, “steadily increases a country’s systemic risks. As a result, its financial system is fragile, its environment degraded and vulnerable, its law enforcement establishment tainted and ineffective, its infrastructure insecure, its public health service unresponsive, and its regulatory system creaky.”

Classic “Bubble” Sign #6: Easy money and risky lending. 
From the Tulip Mania of the 1630s — which was funded with IOUs — to the U.S. housing bubble, all great speculative manias have been inflated by easy money.

Likewise, China today is keeping interest rates artificially low to promote investment and subsidize state-owned companies.

Consider: For the past 40 years, the interest rate that major U.S. companies have borrowed at has been, on average, 1 percentage point higher than the rate of GDP growth. In contrast, the Chinese prime borrowing rate has been on average 9 percentage points below GDP growth over the past two decades.

What's more, Beijing responded to the 2008 financial crisis and the resulting collapse in its exports by ordering its banks to lend. In 2009, new bank lending grew by nearly 10 trillion renminbi ($1.5 trillion), or around 29% of the country's GDP.

“The size of this credit expansion is worrying in itself,” observes Chancellor. “It beggars belief that lending could have expanded so rapidly without some decline in underwriting standards..”

Indeed, much recent bank lending in China resembles the lowered underwriting standards that led to America’s subprime-mortgage meltdown of 2007-8. For instance, up to half of 2009’s bank loans went to local government funding vehicles that appear to have little or no current cash flows. Instead, local governments are now depending on asset prices for revenue — much as they did in places like California during America’s housing bubble.

Classic “Bubble” Sign #7: A fixed currency. 
“Fixed currency regimes often produce inappropriately low interest rates, which are liable to feed booms and end in busts,” cautions Chancellor.

China’s currency, the renminbi, is “pegged” (fixed) to the U.S. dollar — leading to an undervalued exchange rate that boosts exports, keeps interest rates low, and encourages massive inflows of foreign capital.

But anyone who thinks that China’s enormous foreign exchange reserves render its economy invincible is delusional. As Professor Michael Pettis of Peking University’s Guanghua School of Management has pointed out, the only two countries which have previously accumulated such large foreign exchange reserves relative to global GDP were Japan in 1989 — and the United States in 1929.

And get this: The Bank of China is printing as much as $2 billion worth of renminbi per day in order to buy dollars and maintain the currency peg.  The money supply skyrocketed 26% last year in China, creating an artificially booming economy that cannot last and will eventually cause a collapse.

Savvy investors agree. In a recent Bloomberg poll, a majority (53 percent) of professional investors, traders and analysts said that they consider the Chinese economy to be in a bubble fueled by speculation.

As one currency strategist put it, “There is no doubt that China is in the midst of a speculative, credit-driven bubble.”

He then likened the expected fallout to the aftermath of the U.S. subprime-mortgage meltdown.
