
Oligarchy and The Bilderberg Group

The Classical Greek philosopher Plato discusses five types of regimes. They are Aristocracy, Timocracy, Oligarchy, Democracy and Tyranny.

An oligarchy (Greek Ὀλιγαρχία, Oligarkhía) (oligocracy) is a form of government in which power effectively rests with a small elite segment of society distinguished by royalty, wealth, family ties, military might, or religious hegemony.

The word oligarchy is from the Greek words for "few/one" (ὀλίγος olígos) and "rule" (ἀρχή arkhē). Such states are often controlled by politically powerful families whose children are heavily conditioned and mentored to be heirs of the power of the oligarchy.

Oligarchies have been tyrannical throughout history, being completely reliant on public servitude to exist. Although Aristotle pioneered the use of the term as a synonym for rule by the rich, for which the exact term is plutocracy, oligarchy is not always a rule by wealth, as oligarchs can simply be a privileged group.

The Bilderberg Group, Bilderberg conference, or Bilderberg Club is an annual, unofficial, invitation-only conference of around 130 guests, most of whom are persons of influence in the fields of politics, banking, business, the military, and media. Each conference is held under intense security and secrecy.





一位共同基金经理会建议你投资多样化,就像一位二手车推销员会说‘不要仅仅买一辆车,还是多买几辆。当你驾车出行时,从来不知道车子可能会抛锚。如果这样,你就没法去工作。因此不要冒险仅仅购买一辆汽车,还是分散风险,购买 6 辆汽车,然后在你退休前 40 年里每月向我们缴付车款。’


我们大多数人不会购买 6 辆汽车以避免乘车出现的问题,因为我们很多人都已经接受了更好的教育。不过,如果谈到金融工具,比如股票、债卷、共同基金,很多人就对它们的区别茫然无知。




如果一个退休者到了 65 岁才发现,自己的财务顾问 40 年前的设想是错误的,那么会发生什么?这位退休者是不是还有其他资源可以利用?财务顾问知识简单提出财务建议,投资者并没有提出任何问题,直到安然公司的丑闻让投资者不得不质疑这个设想为止。




你的孩子能在 30 岁时退休吗?


在学校体制里,我们用幼儿园kindergarten这个词是因为我们的体制源于几百年前的普鲁士。kinder是普鲁士词,意为“孩子”,garten 为“花园”。换句话说,孩子们的花园之意就是由国家来进行教育,或者说“灌输”。这种体制设计的目的是让父母放弃教育孩子的职责,而孩子则被教育成能够最好地为国家服务的人。


如果他们从小被告知“拥有财务技能可以使你拥有桌子”(own the corporate ladder,rather than climbing the corporate ladder),他们的生活将会出现怎样的不同呢?


我们正处于信息时代,是到了教育人们超越寻找安全、有保障的工作这个观念的时候了。在信息时代,我们应被教育成不只是“学习雇主所需要的技能”的人,否则你的孩子有可能在30岁时过时。如果可能,为什么不教给他们财务技能以便他们能在 30岁时退休呢?





少数能理解这个系统(支票货币和信用货币)的人,要么是对这个系统所产生的利润非常感兴趣,要么就是非常依赖这个系统的施舍(政治家),这个阶层的人是不会反对我们的。另一方面,绝大多数的人氏在智力上不足以理解基于这个系统所衍生出的资本所带来的巨大优势,他们将承受压迫而且毫无怨言,甚至一声都不会怀疑这个系统损害了他们的利益。 ~ Mayor Rothschild, 1863
----------------------------------------------------------- Related: The unfair advantage


富孩子 聪明孩子
































We need two school systems

Education in America could use a big dose of innovation. How about one public school system for employees, and another for entrepreneurs?

"Go to school and get good grades, so you can get a good high-paying job." In simpler terms that means, "Go to school to become a good employee." But there are too many employees, which is why we have an unemployment problem. Today, kids just out of school aren't finding jobs. At the same time, many of their parents are going back to school for retraining. But they're not finding jobs, either.

With low-priced labor and lower-priced, higher-performance technology, high-paying American jobs will be disappearing at greater speed as they move overseas.

The way to train entrepreneurs is almost exactly the opposite of the methods used to train employees. Another common thread about Ford, Gates and Jobs is that they all dropped out of school. This is not to say education is not important, but training entrepreneurs is different from training people to be employees. It is much like the difference between traditional education and the military academy model.

Many executives with MBA degrees focused only on money. Money was their only mission. If they could cut expenses by firing employees, so be it.

Mission: to create sustainable, well-paying jobs for employees by aggressive growth of the business. Too many executives are trained to grow the business through mergers and acquisitions, using massive amounts of debt. Though this might make shareholders happy, in most cases it rips the soul out of the business, loading it with debt while putting the jobs of employees at risk.

Creating real jobs

If corporate executives cannot grow a business organically, they will often repurchase their shares to make it look as if the share price is going up — again to keep shareholders happy and the CEO employed. This is business manipulation, and not the true mission of a sustainable business. The lesson learned is, a loyal employee is not as important as money.

the mission to create entrepreneurs who create sustainable jobs for the country.

Whether you agree with me or not, I hope it's clear that we need to create more entrepreneurs — since only entrepreneurs can create real jobs.

job creation by those who are true job creators.



It's All Greek to Me

What does the problems in Greece mean for you and me?
What does higher taxes and more inflation in the EU mean for you and me?
You need to understand the big picture; the world is on the same banking system.

The European Central Bank has the same function as the US Federal Reserve. And the International Monetary Fund (IMF) is the Fed for the world of central banks. We the people have to pay interest for every dollar,euro,yen, or peso printed out of thin air.Those interest payments come from our taxes.

Inflation is what the world's central banks want. If the world's central banks and the IMF fail to halt deflation, the world will fall into a depression. Deflation isn't the name of the game for central banks. Inflation is.

So,again, what does Greece,Spain, and Portugal mean to you and me? It means the central banks of the world are printing more money,creating more debt,expecting more interest payments from our taxes, and making life more difficult for those who operate the old rules of money, rules such as work hard, save money, and get out of debt.

Today, there are many books about the financial crisis, and most people know that the central banks are printing money. Yet, very few people know what to do... It's about printing your own money,just as the central banks are doing...legally.


The Biggest Scam Ever

In 2009, interest payments on our national debt are about $380 billion, which is $1 billion a day in interest.

In 1913, when the Fed was created, and in 1971, when President Richard Nixon took the U.S. off the gold standard, the ultra rich were allowed to siphon off our wealth - via our own money, the very thing we work hard for and do our best to save.

In other words, with every dollar the Fed prints, our wealth is being drained via increased taxes, debt, inflation, and savings.

A Cash Heist

There are 4 expenses that keep the poor and middle class struggling financially. They are:

1. Taxes - both apparent and hidden

2. Debt - mortgages, credit cards, and student loans (link to chinapress)

3. Inflation - rising food and fuel costs

4. Retirement plans - 401(k) and savings

It is via these four expenses that the rich get richer. In other words, all four of these expenses are cash heists,the ways the rich use the government to get into our pockets, draining us of our wealth.

The Silver Lining

With a more sophisticated financial education, a person can convert those government-sponsored expenses into elements that work in one's favor.

Taxes,debt,inflation, and not needing a retirement plan can make you richer if you use different rules of money.

As stated earlier, in 1971 Nixon changed the rules - and so should you.


现代广告史上的经典案例 - A Diamond Is Forever

1938 年,29岁的哈里 奥本海默从南非的约翰内斯堡来到了美国的纽约。他是 De Beers联合矿业公司创始人的儿子,此行的目的是会见美国一家广告公司的老板奇罗德劳克。

精明的奇罗德劳克很快和哈里 奥本海默达成了独家代理协议。



20 世纪 30 年代日益流行的电影,成了第一焦点。电影明星第一次“有预谋地”和钻石结缘,她们带上了De Beers 的钻石,这开始深化美国电影观众的钻石消费心理。此外,设计上的名流故事和照片被投向杂志和报纸。在这些策划好的故事里,名流们向爱慕的对象赠送大块钻石的细节会被突出强化,照片也往往聚焦于女士们手指上那块又大又亮的石头。更经典的是,尊贵的英国皇室也被策划和钻石结缘。在伊丽莎白女王到访南非的报道里,她接受奥本海默赠送的钻石的行程被广泛报道。

1941 年,也就是哈里 奥本海默会见奇罗德劳克 3 年以后,美国的钻石消费上升了55%,扭转了之前销售下滑的局面。


这个钻石和浪漫的故事高潮,就是广告语 A Diamond Is Forever 的提出,钻石和永不变节的爱情结下了牢不可破的同盟关系,其价值与石头,自然不可同日而语。


LV 手袋,投资与风险

一天,一位其貌不扬的男士,带着一位十分艳丽的女孩,来到一家 LV 店。他为女孩挑选了一款 65000 元的 LV 手袋。

付款时,男士掏出支票本,潇洒地签了一张支票。店员有些为难,男士冷静地对店员说:“我感觉到你担心这是空头支票,对吗? 今天是星期六,银行关门。我建议你把支票和手袋都留下,等到星期一支票兑现后,再请你们把手袋送到这位小姐的府上。你看这样行不行?”
















The Crisis Doesn't Make Sense to Normal People

More than simply changing the rules of money, the world's bankers have changed the realities surrounding money.

People who operate in the reality of go to school,get a job,work hard, live below your means,save money, buy a house, and invest for the long term in a government approved retirement plan are being financially robbed.

More than just change your rules you need to also change your reality about money. You need to see the world from a banker's reality and a banker's self-interested perspective:

1. helps you understand this crisis.
2. makes it easier to not be a victim of the crisis.
3. makes it a little easier to become richer.

Some of these titles don't follow commonly accepted beliefs about financial success:

1. Banks do not like savers.
2. Money does not exist until borrowed.
3. A weak dollar creates prosperity by making people poorer.
4. A strong dollar creates unemployment.
5. Spending more than you earn creates prosperity.

Since all currencies are technically debt and borrowed into existence, you must know how to use debt to become richer.



















Synopsis The Magic of Property Investment

Synopsis The Magic of Property Investment

A shocking truth about property investment in Asia is that more than 60% still stay in rented properties!

Put bluntly, the majority are simply not aware of the huge potential of investing in properties, be it as simple as having a roof over our heads; or a comfortable home to improve the quality of our lives, to using real estate as our ticket to a prosperous retirement or as ambitious as using it as an investment vehicle to rake in the millions!

This book shows you why investing in property is not only wise and satisfying but reassuring.

Life is sometimes like viewing a kaleidoscope, at different angles, it reorganizes and presents different patterns. At different stages of your life, you could suddenly discover what not possible then, to be possible now.


Don't Buy Gold? Never invest more than you can afford to lose.

A wise man once said, "The worst reason to buy a stock is because the price is going up," That goes for gold also. Gold hit a record high of $1,226.10 on December 3,2009 and closed out the year at $1,096.35, up 24.8 percent for the year 2009. While a 24.8 percent gain in one year is impressive, it isn't a reason to buy gold- or anything else for that matter.

In early 2000, suckers rushed into the NASDAQ as the tech bubble grew, and they were killed once the bubble popped. The same thing happened with real estate in 2007. Suckers always come in late,pay top dollar, and get crushed. The same can happen with gold.

The lesson is this: even if you buy real money(gold), you can still lose money. That is why knowledge is the new money. With the right knowledge, you can profit from the peaks and valleys of the markets.

The economics are simple supply and demand. If there's a lot of money looking for a return, interest rates will be low. If there are fewer dollars looking for a return, then bonds have to pay a higher rate of interest to attract investors.

Junk bonds traditionally pay the highest rates of interest because they're the riskiest.

Once bond interest rates start to climb again,cash will flow out of gold and into the safety of bonds' guaranteed return. It that happens, the gold bubble will burst and gold prices will fall.

This is valuable knowledge that, if true, could save investors tons of money.

What if interest rates go up because bond investors are selling rather than investing in bonds?

This scenario is a long shot, but stranger things have happened.

What if the Fed has printed too much money and the bond market is afraid the Fed has gone too far?

The bond market is afraid of 2 things:

1. A collapsing dollar
2. Rising inflation

As long as Ben Bernanke keeps emplying quantitative easing (printing money) the bond investors will be nervous. In other words, the smart money is worried, and may dump bonds, believing that US bonds are no longer safe investments at any interest rate.

If interest rates go higher, the economic recovery will die, the stock market rally will halt, and the real estate market will crash again. A depression may follow.

What will Ben Bernanke and the Fed do if all confidence is lost in their ability to save the US economy? Will they keep printing more money? What will then happen to gold and the bond markets? Your guess is as good as anyone else's.

My point is this: "don't just buy something because prices are going up." Study, learn, and find your own reasons for investing.

About Silver

Today, due to use in the electronics industry, silver is more scarce than gold. While gold sits in vaults, silver will be in short supply in less than fifteen years.

Silver is still relatively inexpensive. It's a poor man's gold. If there's a precious metals bubble, and prices do drop, the precentage losses on silver will be a lot less than on gold.

Remember, if you don't have a lot of money, protecting your losses is more important than going for gains.

Never invest more than you can afford to lose.


Gold vs. The U.S. Dollar

History is essential for seeing and preparing for the future.

In 1971, the rules of money were changed, President Nixon took the US dollar off the gold standard. Today we are in a global financial crisis. In the next few years, those playing the old rules of money will lose everything they’ve worked for. Savers will be losers.

The good news is this transfer of wealth can make you very rich.

Governments have been playing games with money for thousands of years. The Greeks and the Romans tried it as their empires came down. The US government is no different.

Having an understanding of financial history, currency manipulation, and how international banks more powerful than governments control the world, will give you financial wisdom that few people have.

This wisdom will give you the power to make better-informed financial decisions for your future.

The old rules of investing are dangerous. For example, saving money today is the riskiest investment of all. Why save money when governments throughout the world are printing trillions in counterfeit money? Also, counting on the stock market to go up, providing for your retirement or child’s education is for dreamers and fools.

That ‘old’ advice - get a good job, save money, get out of debt, invest for the long term, and diversify - is ‘bad’ (both obsolete and flawed) advice, challenges the status quo.

As you know, bailing out the rich is the name of the game. The question is, have you received your bailout money?

Today banks of the world are printing trillions of dollars. The question is, are you receiving any of that money?

Governments around the world are handing out money. They need people to give their money to. Again the question is, are you receiving any of that money?

“This financial crisis did not just happen. It has been a long time coming…and now it is here. The biggest wealth transfer in world history is on. Just because you are rich today does not mean you will be rich tomorrow. And just because you are poor today, does not mean you cannot be richer tomorrow.

“…our government has the ability to and has been, creating money at will without anything to back it up. You might call this counterfeiting; the government calls it fiscal policy. The whole thing is what we refer to as fiat currency. Throughout the centuries, gold and silver have battled it out with fiat currency.” ~ MICHAEL MALONEY, PRECIOUS METALS & GLOBAL ECONOMY


Internet Marketing VS Stock Trading, MLM and a Brick And Mortar Business.

#1 Reason Why Most People Fail To Make Money Online is indecision!

They can't decide if internet marketing is for them. They are getting mixed messages from everywhere, messages like:

"You can make a million trading the stock market."

"You can achieve financial freedom with MLM."

"No, I think I should be a REAL brick and mortar businessman. Internet marketing is not a career!"

One of the secrets of success is that when you make a decision, everything else will fall into places. It's one of the secrets of the universe, as important as the law of attraction.

The tough part is to make a decision.

Let's compare Internet Marketing with Stock Trading, MLM and a Brick And Mortar Business.

Internet Marketing vs. Stock Trading

I see stock trading as a form of wealth management. You should learn how to park your extra money in the stock market to get better ROI (return on investment) than putting money in fixed deposit.

But trading the stock market full time is a bad idea, unless you package it into a business, especially an online business. If so, you're back to the idea of internet marketing.

The truth is most stock trading experts make money teaching people how to trade stocks! They create courses, software and books to teach people and make huge profit from there.

In stock trading, there is no sure-win. If you get a return of 50% consistently, you are considered an expert.

But do you know that you can get 1000% ROI in internet marketing? For example, I can invest $200 to get freelancers to rewrite articles, create a website and build links. In the years to come, this website will easily earn me more than $2000. That's a return of more than 1000%!!!

My risk? The worse case is I break even. These days, I hardly have a website that lose money. It's just a matter of time before I break even.

My advice is, trade stock if you are interested, but spend more time building your online empire because you can get better ROI at lower risk.

Internet Marketing vs. MLM

The dream of MLM (Multi-level marketing or network marketing) is that you can achieve time and financial freedom. This is the idea that most MLMers will try to sell you.

To me, the true value in MLM is mindset training. Success is all about mindset. Good MLM companies have good training that can instill the millionaire's mindset into you. This is something internet marketing can hardly achieve.

Other than that, I really can't see any advantage over internet marketing.

If you talk about financial freedom, internet marketing can definitely give you financial freedom. Online income is definitely more passive than MLM income. In fact, you can have multiple streams of online passive income, which makes it more stable than just 1 source of passive income.

If you talk about time freedom, MLM can give you time freedom ONLY after you are successful. During the process of team building, it's hell!! Your working hours are nighttimes, Sundays and public holidays. These are times when your family members are free but you are not!

Internet marketing, on the other hand, gives you time freedom EVEN before you are successful. You still have to work hard, but you chose when you want to work. You can work when everyone is sleeping. Or you can work an hour and play with your kids for the next hour. It's all up to you.

Moreover, if you truly believe in the power of MLM, you should explore online MLM instead of the old-school brick and mortar MLM. The old-school MLM is really a time waster.

Internet Marketing vs. Brick And Mortar Business

Ever since I tasted the goodness of online marketing, I've never thought of doing brick and mortar business again!

I started out running traditional business and it was a relief when I converted my entire business to online. When I ran my offline business, my mind was all about how to pay my rental, my staff's salary, how to bring in customers etc. I hardly have time to think of business strategies and expansion.

But online business is almost stress-free. When you are small, you work alone. There is no worry of office rental and staff cost. You spend most of your time thinking of business strategies and how to expand your business, which is definitely more important than working hard to pay bills!

Another important difference is in offline business, you can hardly find people who are willing to show you how to make money. But in online business, many people (too many in fact) wanting to show you how they make money. Some of them may charge you, but you are talking about $47 or $97. That's cheap!

Final Remark......

I hope I've been impartial in my comparison. I've been on both sides of the equation and I just hope that my experience can help you make a better decision.

Remember, regardless of which decision you make, once you make the decision, everything else will fall into places for you!

To your success,
Kenneth Koh
Founder, EmailCashPro.com




















































4。市场对它有着永恒的需求。随着经济状况的变动,它的市场价格或许有波动,但永不会变成零,永远比其他的同类产品为贵,市场对它有永远不够的高需求。 (有些贵金属比黄金更昂贵,但黄金才是市场定价的标准,其他贵金属不是。)

Gold,住宅,法国的顶级红酒酒庄: Chateau Lafite Rothschild




死刑的英文叫“capital punishment”,从投资的角度去诠释,就是这刑法取走了你最重要的“capital”。反过来说,我们投资在这种最终极的 capital 之上,就可面对所有的变故,百战不殆。









这世界上 99% 的人不是对经济学一无所知,就是念了半桶水的经济学,这代表了大部分的经济评论员。因为半桶水,所以变成了市场经济原教旨主义者,这种人一发言便是笑话,一旦意见被采用了,那就是悲剧了。









30 年前的今天,中国才开始开放,苏联还在实行共产主义,除非是先知,没有人能料到这世界30年后会变成今日的这个模杨。





如果一名农民一直有储蓄粮食的习惯,在30年后,他不会无粮可吃,虽然他的储蓄只是为了明年或后年的可能需要,而非看到 30 年后。

反过来说,他储蓄了一些粮食,准备在30年后食用,但在后年时,他纵是饿死也无法动用这些 30 年后的粮食,这就是储蓄保险的本质。一看就知道是荒谬的、愚蠢的,换言之,投买储蓄全保的人的智力,还不如农民。



