
Financial Literacy

What part does financial literacy play in achieving our dreams?

If your dreams are to have a abundant life which includes a beautiful home (or homes), automobiles for yourself and your family, a great education for your children (and yourself), and a business that works like a money-making machine with systems in place that allow you to be financially free – receiving profits, royalties, rents – or to be financially independent from wise investments and your attention on them is minimal… there is no question that financial literary is key.

In the past over 30 years in working with people in our programs, including Money & You?, to discover what holds a person back from having money, building successful businesses, or having financial success – and this is with people in different parts of the world – over and over again it comes up that

we must clear our consciousness from emotional blocks

in order to receive the level of abundance that we desire; or to experience the wealth/the financial resources that we may already have.

There is no question that being educated about the basics of money; how to start, manage, build and expand a business is key.

Financial literacy should be a subject taught in primary schools to children, along with reading, writing, grammar, math, and all key subjects necessary to be a fully-educated functioning human being – yet we are expected to learn to be financially literate without the proper guidance and by trial an error – thus, we have a society riddled with debt, fearful of the future and at times investing in projects that we know very little about – or enslaved to a job or a business that brings us very little profit or joy.

Financial literacy is as important as breathing, having clean water, and nutritious food for those who wish to have more than their basic needs met – and do not wish to be in debt. When we have the basic understanding – and later more sophisticated systems – of financial wealth, it allow us to grow our financial independence in a much greater pace, ease and with joy.

I congratulate you for reading my blog – for reaching out and learning from the different “masters” that are sharing their information. It is your “internal” guidance that has brought you here and now you are ready to go to a whole other level of financial gains.

Become a great student of financial literacy to allow you to have your dreams come true. Learn the different systems, and then choose the one that works best for you.

Be sure to have financial advisors that have succeeded in their area of endeavor – and do what is congruent with your inner knowing and the knowledge that you have gathered through your educational process.

Do not leave the task of building your wealth to others – you can be supported by others, by financial wizards and master – but ultimately, you are responsible for your results.

In our programs we say, “Education Is The Highest Form of Leverage”… you learn the techniques, the tools – and then you must allow yourself to be wealthy by clearing any blocks that may be in the way of your dreams coming true.

That is the secret of many of the money/wealth gurus out there – how do I know? I was there as they were growing, clearing their blocks to the success that they now have – whether it is financial or in contributing to others.

Financial literacy was key. May you also have your dreams come true – have a beautiful life and hopefully help others to do the same.

DC Cordova
CEO, Excellerated Business Schools/Money and You Program
















1923 年德国的问题与 1997 年亚洲金融风暴出现的情况类似,本币体系和本国经济存在严重的内在缺陷,外债高筑,外国货币投机者蜂拥而至,超大规模做空本币,货币体系濒于崩溃,本币剧烈贬值,通货膨胀卷走社会财富,摧毁了国家经济基础。


今天的索罗斯及其背后的国际银行家与1923 年摧毁德国马克货币的投机者师出一门。



~The Economic Weapon Against Germany, Sir Alfred Zimmern, 1918


Why go on dreaming when you can turn your dreams into reality?

If 2009 wasn't quite the year you hoped for, you are not alone.
Millions of people around the world are extremely frustrated right now and looking for certainty in their lives.

Perhaps you lost your job ... Your business suffered ...Your nest eggs disappeared ... The economy scares you ... or, you're wondering what 2010 holds for you?

What can you do right now to regain the focus, peace of mind and inner-strength you need to be able to have the time of your life this festive season?

Soon you will meet your family and friends and many of them may be looking for some kind of certainty in their life.


Goals for 2010

Most of us know that goals are important. I'm sure that most of us know that people who make the effort to write down their goals are more successful than people who don't. If this is true, I wonder why people don't focus more on their goals?

Taking time to discuss what you want in life and setting goals is a bit like doing construction work on your life, and the effort is always worth it.

Give thanks for this gift called life.

Goals are measureable. The more specific, the more real, and the more real, the more you have a chance of success.

You must give to receive. If you want something, you need to first give something away - or give something up.

Making more money will not solve your problems if cash flow management is your problem.


Winner VS Losers

(英文版網路流傳 Olga Wu中譯)

The Winner is always part of the answer; (贏家是答案的一部分)

The Loser is always part of the problem. (輸家是問題的一部分)

The Winner always has a program; (贏家總有計畫)

The Loser always has an excuse. (輸家總有藉口)

The Winner says,"Let me do it for you; (贏家說:我來幫你做)

The Loser says;" That is not my job." (輸家說:這不關我的事)

The Winner sees an answer for every problem; (贏家看到每個問題的答案)

The Loser sees a problem for every answer. (輸家看到每個答案的問題)

The Winner says," It may be difficult but it is possible"; (贏家說:這雖難,但還是有可能)

The Loser says,"It may be possible but it is too difficult." (輸家說:這雖有可能,但…還是很難!)

When a Winner makes a mistake,he says," I was wrong"; (贏家犯錯時會說:我錯了)

When a Loser makes a mistake, he says," It wasn't my fault." (輸家犯錯時會說:不是我的錯)

A Winner makes commitments; (贏家用行動承擔責任)

A Loser makes promises. (輸家只會口頭承諾)

Winners have dreams; (贏家有夢想)

Loser have schemes. (輸家有算計)

Winners say," I must do something"; (贏家說:我一定要做些事)

Losers say,"Something must be done." (輸家說:有些事情應該有人去做)

Winners are a part of the team; (贏家是團隊中的一份子)

Losers are apart from the team. (輸家是團隊外的一部份)

Winners see the gain; (贏家重視努力)

Losers see the pain. (輸家只看痛苦)

Winners see possibilities; (贏家看到可能)

Losers see problems. (輸家看到問題)

Winners believe in win/win; Losers believe for them to win someone has to lose. (贏家相信雙贏,輸家希望自己不要吃虧)

Winners see the potential; (贏家看到未來)

Losers see the past. (輸家回憶過去)

Winners are like a thermostat; (贏家像溫度調節器)

Losers are like thermometers. (輸家像溫度計)

Winners choose what they say; (贏家選擇說什麼)

Losers say what they choose. (輸家說他們選擇的)

Winners use hard arguments but soft words; (贏家為困難爭論, 但言語柔和)

Losers use soft arguments but hard words. (輸家因困難軟弱, 但言語剛烈)

Winners stand firm on values but compromise on petty things; (贏家為價值剛強,但為虛浮表象可以妥協)

Losers stand firm on petty things but compromise on values. (輸家堅持在虛浮表象,卻對價值可以妥協)

Winners follow the philosophy of empathy: "Don't do to others what you would, not want them to do to you"; (贏家有同理心,己所不欲,勿施於人)

Losers follow the philosophy, "Do it to others before they do it to you." (輸家認為要在別人害你之前,先害他)

Winners make it happen; (贏家讓事情辦到)

Losers let it happen. (輸家等事情發生)


Tips Of The Month - Wisdom From Albert Einstein

First of all, happy new year to all of you.

Today I have a quote from Albert Einstein that can set you thinking about your life and direction in 2010.

Before giving you the quote, let me share with you a story - my own story......

Like many entrepreneurs, I had a dream of running my own multi-million business. I was lucky to be able to partner with a savvy businessman, who runs a multi-million wholesaling business.

With his advice, I started importing and distributing goods to hypermarkets, departmental stores and retailers. After all, that was how he started and I was learning to follow his footpath.

Soon, I ran into all kinds of problems - bank loans, inventory overstocking, bad debts, faulty goods etc. This is the kind of problem my business partner is facing everyday in his own business. To him, it's part of the process of running the business, and part of the process of making money.

I love problem solving and I am pretty good at that. After all, problem solving was what we were trained in school. But I asked myself this question: "Do I want to live this kind of life forever?" My answer was no.

Gradually, I converted the company into an online company, providing online services. No more inventory, no more bank loans, no more bad debt and no more faulty goods. I gave up my dream of running a multi-million business.

Initially, I thought I was quite a coward, a loser, as I was unwilling to take up the challenge of problem solving, until I stumbled across a quote by Albert Einstein.

Here's the quote:

"Intellectuals solve problems, geniuses prevent them." - Albert Einstein

I'm definitely not a genius, but this quote certainly makes me feel good.

Most people may interpret this quote as "prevention is better than cure". But I see more to it.

What I'm seeing is if there is a way to avoid it, I don't even have to think of preventing it, not to mention solving it.

That's what I was doing in my business. Instead of solving those unavoidable problems in running a wholesaling business, I decided to change my business direction to online business, where such problems do not exist at all.

The end result is, without all these problems, I can better focus on growing my business and eventually earn more.

So my friend, are you a problem solver?

To your success,
Kenneth Koh
Founder, EmailCashPro.com



2010: The Best of Times or the Worst?

“It was the best of times. It was the worst of times.” – Charles Dickens

Is the recession over? Are happy days really here again? Paraphrasing Dickens, my answer is,“For people who are prepared, 2010 will be the best of times. For many, 2010 will be the worst of times.”

A mortgage reset is when a mortgage comes due.

In September 2008, the mortgage resets hit $35 billion that month. That was the exact time the financial crisis hit. When people could not afford to refinance and began to default, the stock market and banking industry crashed.

Since home values have gone down, many homeowners will find they owe more than their home(s) are worth. Will the bank be kind to them?

Obviously these are the best of times if you are a buyer of distressed properties and the worst of times if you are a seller.

The following recaps the year-end prices of gold and silver:

2000 $ 273 $ 4.57
2001 $ 279 $ 4.57
2002 $ 348 $ 4.78
2003 $ 416 $ 5.92
2004 $ 438 $ 6.79
2005 $ 518 $ 8.80
2006 $ 638 $12.78
2007 $ 838 $14.77
2008 $ 882 $11.33
2009 $1100 (approx) $17.50 (approx)

In 2009, the Dow rose approximately 18%. Gold rose approximately 25%. Silver rose approximately 50%.

2010 through 2012 will be a real estate buffet for those with cash and access to credit.

The company is debt free with strong income.

People still need a roof over their heads.

With the Fed printing trillions of dollars, cash is trash and savers are losers. As soon as I have excess cash I invest in oil, real estate, gold, and silver.

In a zero-interest-rate environment, debtors are winners…but only if you have good debt…debt that’s paid by tenants.

In Conclusion

A few years ago, Japan was ‘King of the Financial World.’ Japan’s economy was the world’s second largest economy -- till the bubble burst in 1990. Japan’s budget went into deficit in 1993. Since then, the deficit has averaged 5.4 percent of GDP per year. As a result, Japanese government debt is now 200 percentof GDP today. The U.S. is following Japan, and China will follow the U.S.

by Robert Kiyosaki


Good Debt VS Bad Debt

Debt is an amazing tool. It has the power to make you rich and it has the power to ruin you financially. Like any tool, the secret is knowing how to use it properly to get the results you want. Most people don't realize that there are two kinds of debt - good debt and bad debt.

Bad debt is anything you buy that doesn't help increase your assets. We call them "doodads."

When you find yourself deep in a hole, you need to stop digging. And that means curbing your spending - avoiding the temptation to buy doodads like a robot lawn mower, a car that gets ten miles per gallon, or a second pair of high-end athletic shoes. Admittedly, this requires willpower. Even today as people are realizing that they need to cut back due to difficult economic times, most people still have not been able to learn the old-fashioned virtue of delayed gratification.

By cutting back on doodads, you'll increase the percentage of income you keep. It's important not to consider this a temporary step. If you truly want to stay out of debt and enjoy security, comfort, or riches, you ought to make purchasing assets instead of doodads a life-long practice. Once you've built up your assets that provide you income, then you'll have the extra money you need to buy as many doodads as you want.

There are hundreds of ways to trim a budget. If you save $25 a week- and most people can easily trim that much - you'll have $1,300 a year to put towards your credit card balance. Save $40 a week and you'll have $2,080!

Eliminate All Unsecured Debt

In addition to good and bad debt, there is also secured and unsecured debt. Secured debt is debt with collateral behind it, such as your home mortgage or car loan. Unsecured debt is debt with no collateral behind it, for example, personal loans, medical bills, and the charges on your credit card. Once you've cut expenses, the debt you should attack first is unsecured debt. While some unsecured debt is unavoidable - most is unnecessary, the result of unbridled spending. Review your unsecured and secured debts to see if they are good or bad debts. Rich Dad would consider most unsecured debt bad debt. Remember, good debt is debt that buys an asset, so it is usually secured debt.


Financial Freedom

What would it mean to you to begin to get control of your finances and your life?

Imagine the positive changes that you and your family would experience if you had more choices about what to do with your time.

We all have to start somewhere to achieve what some say is that unattainable dream.

Today, with smart planning and the support of like minded people, you can do it!

To learn to take control – control of your health, your image and your finances.

Financial control comes through financial independence.

What exactly is financial independence?

For many people financial freedom translates to: “I’m going to work until I’m 65 and then retire.”

My definition is simply this….when my monthly cash flow from my assets is equal to or greater than my monthly living expenses, then I am financially independent.

The importance of this definition is CONTROL.
I buy my assets, manage my assets and control the cash flow these assets create. Rather than letting money control me, I control the assets which create the money. You can learn this, too.

The other importance of this definition of independence is TIME.
Instead of working for a lifetime, and saving for a lifetime, my financial independence is NOW.

I do not have to have enough MONEY to last me the rest of my life. I need enough ASSETS to continuously CREATE money that will last the rest of my life.

I enjoy my financial independence now, while I’m young, rather than later when I’m older. I control my time.

In short, the formula is: buy and create assets that generate cash flow.

The cash flow from my assets pay for my living expenses.

Once my monthly cash flow from my assets is equal to or greater than my monthly living expenses then I am financially independent.

I am financially free because my assets are throwing off cash flow and are working for me. I no longer have to work for money.

A simple definition of an asset is something that puts money in your pocket.

An asset may be a rental property that has a positive cash flow.
It may be a business in which you invested that gives you cash flow every year.
It could be a stock that pays a dividend.

The key is that it is an investment from which you receive money on a regular basis – it provides positive cash flow.

What Is Cash Flow?

Let’s say you put X amount of money into an investment. It may be stocks, real estate, or investing in a business venture.

Every month (or quarter or year) you receive a return (or payment to you) on the money you invested.

In the world of stocks, a dividend from a stock you own is a form of cash flow.
In business, it’s the check you receive each month from the profits of the business.
In real estate, it’s the remaining rent you collect from your tenant after you’ve paid all the expenses.

Cash flow continues to flow in as long as you own the asset (and it is managed well). Once you sell that asset then the cash flow ends.

The path I followed that led me to become financially free is not rocket science. The formula is actually quite simple.

However, it’s not necessarily easy. It does take time and education.

It will not happen overnight. But I guarantee you that when you start to see your cash flow coming in, the game becomes a lot of fun… and your efforts become well worth the journey.

Learn to take financial control through financial education.

Kim Kiyosaki
Financial Literacy Advocate and author of the bestseller Rich Woman

Financial Freedom, Time Freedom, Geographical Freedom
Retire Young Retire Rich through a SOLID internet business!


Gain Back Your Freedom (1-7)

Even if you aren't making a lot of money right now, doesn't mean you shouldn't do this.

Living in a world of extreme overwork, little pay and no life ... is NOT the way to climb your way to the top.

1. The reality is ... the more time you spend answering emails, the more time you take away from developing and growing your business.

2. Set Your Work Hours: Setting your work hours increases your productivity, keeps you from burningout and forces you to maintain a normal and happy life outside of your computer which is a good thing.

- If you have a limited time to work in, you're more likely to get the tasks you've scheduled done quickly than if you give yourself the whole day to work.

- If your computer is off for a good portion of the day, you can do normal things like take care of yourself, your home, see friends, go to movies ... or do the things you like to do.

3. Turn off the computer if you just don't feel productive: There is no sense in tiring yourself out further getting nothing done.

Even if you have a huge to do list, forcing it isn't going to do you any good. Take a break, go for a walk, take a nap, do something fun and come back when you're refreshed. You'll get a lot more done then.

6. Make sure your market is willing to buy: a lot of people start their business with the idea that they can "take their passion and make it a business". In some cases, it is true... but not in all. If you need to rethink your market, do your homework first.

7. Assess Your Per Hour Value: It's important that you value your time. Look at how much time you're spending working now and how much money you're making to determine your per hour worth. When you understand your hourly value, you can work and motivate yourself to increase it.

(Ewen Chia)


Law of the Garbage Truck

One day I hopped in a taxi and we took off for the airport.

We were driving in the right lane when suddenly a black car jumped out of a parking space right in front of us. My taxi driver slammed on his brakes, skidded, and missed the other car by just inches!

The driver of the other car whipped his head around and started yelling at us. My taxi driver just smiled and waved at the guy.

And I mean, he was really friendly.

So I asked, 'Why did you just do that? This guy almost ruined your car and sent us to the hospital!'

This is when my taxi driver taught me what I now call, 'The Law of the Garbage Truck.'

He explained that many people are like garbage trucks. They run around full of garbage, full of frustration, full of anger, and full of disappointment. As their garbage piles up, they need a place to dump it and sometimes they'll dump it on you.

Don't take it personally. Just smile, wave, wish them well, and move on.

Don't take their garbage and spread it to other people at work, at home, or on the streets.

The bottom line is that successful people do not let garbage trucks take over their day.

Life's too short to wake up in the morning with regrets, so...Love the people who treat you right. Pray for the ones who don't.

Life is ten percent what you make it and ninety percent how you take it!

Have a blessed, garbage-free day!


Happiness is a good night's sleep

What really gave me pleasure in life was the small things. Good bread, warm towels, laughing babies, fresh coffee, old friends. All these things brought a smile to my face that no amount of nice crockery could ever do.The best thing about these small pleasures? They're all free.

When I started counting my personal delights I was stunned at how many things that made me happy didn't cost a thing.
All aspects of nature for a start.

The seasons provide us with endless happiness. We can watch life unfolding from the first snowdrop through the arrival of spring flowers and lighter evenings, the sound of lawnmowers, the first moment you long to be outside, right through the outdoor pleasures of summer, back to the nip of autumn air and the first signs of winter's frost.

So many people not only shared my sense of wonder at the small, free delights that nature provides, but had actually captured them on their cameras.

Your very best friends are one of the most precious things in anyone's life, and the laughter, support and dedication they provide is truly touching and magnificent.

From naughty girls' nights out to hours-long phone conversations when you're down, to giving practical and useful advice, friends are the bedrock of all our lives. More valuable than wealth and far more useful than designer handbags!

Being quite an indulgent type, I was surprised to find how many things that gave me pleasure in life were actually about making small sacrifices. Nothing noble or life-saving, but just talking to other people in the street who looked lonely, or letting other drivers into traffic occasionally.

Practice most nights of my life.

And that is, cliche of cliches, counting three good things that have happened to you today. You probably think there aren't three, but, believe me, there are.

In fact, once you start counting them you'll be surprised that life is bursting with everyday delights. Ban that cynicism and just get started!

It won't cost you a thing and it might change your whole perspective.

And on New Year's Day, what better time to start?

A dailymail.co.uk article
How to have a happy life...and, best of all, it costs nothing
By Maeve Haran
Last updated at 2:43 AM on 01st January 2010


The name of the game is "bailout"

In 1971, President Nixon took the dollar off the gold standard, paving the way for the Fed and the world's central banks to create counterfeit money and debt at will. Once that happened, crashes and bailouts came with regularity.

In 1980's, the bailouts were in the millions. By the 1990's, the bailouts were measured in billions. Today, bailouts measured in trillions.

How much will the next bailout cost taxpayers of the world? Quadrillions?

Each bailout creates more debt that must be paid by the taxpayers. Each bailout robs our children of their future. Is that saving the world to you?

If you call it smart to create new bad debt to replace old bad debt, then Bernanke saved the economy.

What he did was no different than a person who maxes out his credit cards, gets a home equity loan to pay off those credit cards, and then maxes out the same credit cards again.

How can both Bernanke and Greenspan say that they didn't see this crisis coming?

They know that crisis, terror, and eventual bailouts are the cornerstones of the Fed's business plan. They know there has been bailout after bailout.

They aren't here to save the world. They're here to print money by creating debt and to collect the interest that taxpayers pay on that money created out of thin air.

Do they really think the world is that gullible? Unfortunately, the answer is,"Yes."

I'm banking on the fact that at least you aren't.

Robert Kiyosaki
