








你想想,一个人如果不思考或者没有时间供自己思考,而整天忙于做某一件事,累了就睡,睡醒了又开始紧张的工作,周而复始,又怎么会有新的创见呢?。。。 因此我认为,每天除了完成自己的必要工作外,一定还要拿出一定的时间来专供自己思考。










- 独占技术,然后自己埋头苦干,凭借自己的技术获得财富;
- 将自己的技术教给别人,然后从中收取传授技术的报酬。







抗油价暴涨妙方 (转贴)















Can the company plug leaks?

The nineteenth-century French economist Emile Dupuit pointed to the early railways as an

"It is not because of the few thousand francs which would have to be spent to put a roof over
the third-class carriage or to upholster the third-class seats that some company or other has
open carriages with wooden benches ... What the company is trying to do is prevent the
passengers who can pay the second-class fare from travelling third class; it hits the poor, not
because it wants to hurt them, but to frighten the rich ... And it is again for the same reason
that the companies, having proved almost cruel to the third-class passengers and mean to the
second-class ones, become lavish in dealing with first-class customers. Having refused the poor what is necessary, they give the rich what is superfluous."

The shoddy quality of most airport departure lounges across the world is surely part of the
same phenomenon.

If the free departure areas became comfortable, then airlines would no longer be able to sell
business-class tickets on the strength of their 'executive' lounges.

The message is clear: keep paying for your expenseiv seats, or next time you might be the wrong side of the flight attendant.

Price-gouging the natural way

What Supermarkets Don't Want you to know

Price-gouging the natural way
The favoured game at the moment has to be price-gouging the natural way, riding the bandwagon of organic food.

Organic food is catching on for a variety of reasons, including the fact that in the wake of repeated food health scares, many people think organic food is better for them, or at least won't kill them.

The supermarkets have come to the rescue with a plentiful supply of organic products that happen to be marked up far above their additional costs to the supermarket.

You will never find the organic bananas next to the conventional bananas, or the organic garlic next to the conventional garlic. The price-comparison would be too sobering.
We should not be surprised that supermarkets are taking the opportunity afforded by the organic food movement to zap customers with well-aimed price increases.

My recommendation, if you are convinced of the merits of organic food, is not to let food retailers exploit your enthusiasm: vote with your wallet by supporting any retailer - or direct supplier - who brings the price of organic and non-organic food closer together.


Resource 'rents'

One way of preventing competition is by controlling a natural resources such as farmland. There is only so much good farmland in the world, and only revolutions in agricultural techniques can change that.

But farmland is not the only finite natural resource in the world. Another example is oil.


Are we being ripped off ?

How can we tell the difference between things that are expensive because they are naturally scarce, and things that are expensive because of artificial means - legislation,regulation or foul play ?

A company with stiff competition will be less profitable than a company with incompetent rivals.

Nobody is ripping anybody off; instead, Axel and Bob are being rewarded because they are offering something both scarce and highly valued.

Whatever the reason, the effect is the same: established companies, free of competition, enjoy high profits.

If I want to know whether I am being ripped off by supermarkets, banks or drug companies, I can find out how profitable those industries are.

If they are making high profits, then initially I am suspicious. But if it seems that it is fairly easy to set up a new company and compete, I become less suspicious.

It means that the high profits are caused by a natural scarcity: there are not many really good banking organisations in the world, and good banking organisations are much more efficient than bad ones.


Conspiracies against the laity

Economics is in many ways just like engineering, it will tell you how things work and what is likely to happen if you change them.

Luckily, in genteel corners of the developed world we are usually sheltered from people who use violence to keep out competition. But it does not mean that people have not worked out other ways to keep competitors at bay.

Trade unions are an obvious example.The trade union is designed partly to bargain collectively, but partly to block too much entry into the profession.

Other professionals, like doctors, actuaries, accountants and lawyers manage to maintain high wages through other means than unionisation, erecting virtual "green belts" to make it hard for potential competitors to set up shop. Typical virtual green belts will include very long qualification periods and professional bodies that give their approval only to a certain number of candidates per year. Many of the organisations that are put forth to protect us from "unqualified" professionals in fact serve to maintain the high rates of the "qualified" to whom we are directed.

Small wonder that George Bernard Shaw said that the professions were "all conspiracies against the laity".

Economists come to similar conclusions today about "protectionist laws", which, protect privileged pressure groups at the expense of the rest of us in the developed world and the developing world alike. Billions of people could benefit from better economic policies. Millions are dying because of bad ones. Sometimes the logic of economics is so compelling that it's impossible for economists not to take a stand.


A time for first economic test

A time for first economic test.

Why would improvements in the quality and price of the commuter train services that bring people into London's mainline stations, such as Waterloo, from the surrounding suburbs please anyone who rents a property in central London? And why might the city's landlords be less enthusiastic about such improvements?

Improved public transport increases the alternatives to renting a place in the city.

When a 2 hour commute becomes a 1 hour commute, and people are able to get a seat on the train instead of standing, some decide they'd rather save money and move out of central London. Vacant apartments then appear on the market. Scarcity lessens, and rents fall.

Improving commuter services wouldn't just affect commuters; it would affect everyone involved in London's property market.


The Green Belt

Ban farming on that marginal land, and the rent on meadows will jump; where once the alternative to paying rent and farming on meadows was to farm on grassland rent-free, now there is no alternative. Farmers are much more eager to farm on meadows now that farming on the grassland is illegal, and the rent they're willing to pay is much higher too.

Another reason why property in London is expensive is because of the Green Belt.
The Green Belt keeps rents and house prices in London much higher than they would be, in exactly the same way as a ban on grassland farming keeps rents on meadow and scrub much higher than they would otherwise be.

This is not an argument against the Green Belt.

There are lots of benefits in having London's population capped at around six million people, instead of sixteen million or twenty-six million. But it is important that when we are weighing the pros and cons of legislation like the Green Belt, we understand that its effects are more than simply to preserve the environment.

The Green Belt has made property in London scarce relative to the people who want to use it, and of course, strength comes from scarcity.


Why Telco Infrastructure and Utilities?

1. Technology is always moving forward without stopping.
It's a necessity in modern life.
From Post Mail ---> Telehphone -----> Email ---> Mobile Phone ----> Multimedia/Broadband .... and moving on

2. Large Populations Base. In 2007

China 1321.9Millions
Japan 127.5Millions
South Korea 49.0Millions
Taiwan 23.2Millions
Hong Kong 7.0Millions
Indonesia 234.7Millions
Philippines 91.1Millions
Thailand 65.1Millions
Malaysia 24.8Millions
Singapore 4.6Millions

Total 1948.9Millions

Source : Bloomberg 2008

3. Development in Transportations and Infrastructure. Infrastructure budget spending in Far East Countries between 2008-2012 is US$1.8 Trillion (source : CLSA Asia Pacific Markets).

4. Telecommunications penetration rate in Far east countries. in 2008F*
Hong Kong 132.8%
Taiwan 100.9%
Korea 92.7%
China 48.2%
Singapore 113.9%
Malaysia 94.6%
Thailand 88.3%
Philippines 63.8%
Indonesia 47.6%
Overall 47.2%

source : CLSA Asia Pacific Markets

5. Power Generation and Water Services

Please also read.>> Source>> PM Article







Mechanics and Financial Advisors

If your car is broken, you take it to a trained mechanic to fix. The moment you pick up the car, you know whether or not the mechanic was good.The problem with these so-called professional financial advisors / long term investment package is that you will not know if they gave you good advice or bad advice until years later.

What happens if you begin taking a financial advisor's advice at 25 and at age 65 you find out your financial advisor was giving you bad advice?

You can't take your ruined financial life back to the financial advisor like you can take your broken car back to the mechanic.

I trust auto mechanics and used car salesmen more than I do most financial advisors simply because I can see the results of their work faster. The reason most people end up poor or middle-class is because they spend more time selecting a used car than they spend time looking for good financial advice.


Koh, Don't Delay Any Longer

Sorry, I couldn't resist one more personalization

All kidding aside, it's now been over three weeks since you started learning how to more effectively reach and convert your website visitors to prospects and customers, but you haven't yet put it to work for your business.

If you've been getting just 100 people per day to your site, that's over 2000 potential sales that you may have lost to inaction. And 100 more each day.

There's nothing funny about that.

Every website visitor is an opportunity. Don't let yours go to waste.

Set Up Your First Email Campaign Today.

After all, with our money-back guarantee, it's far more risky to your business to not start email marketing today, wouldn't you agree?


The first step

The first step is to decide what kind of world you want to live in.

Do you want to live in the world of the poor, the middle class, or the rich?

Wouldn't most people choose to live in the world of the rich?

No. Most people dream of living in the world of the rich ... but they do not take that first step and that is to decide. Once you decide, and if you have truly decided, there is no coming back. The moment you decide, everything in your world will change.

~ Retire Young Retire Rich, Robert Kiyosaki

Ultimately it is what you do with what you know that counts.

What a person must do to become rich is not that hard. In fact, getting rich is easy.

The problem is most people would rather do things the hard way.Many will work hard all their lives living below their means; invest in things they do not understand; work hard for the rich rather than work hard to make themselves rich; and do what everyone else is doing rather than do what the rich are doing.

We are moving into an era of unprecedented opportunity ... we are moving into the Age of the Entrepreneur.

If all you want is a bigger paycheck, you may miss this era while others become super-rich.

If you do not want to miss this era, I suggest you make it a habit of being ahead of the pack and seeing the future the pack cannot see.


Strength from scarcity

I hope that by the end of the book, you'll be a more savvy consumer - and a more savvy voter too, able to see the truth behind the stories that politicians try to sell you. Everyday life is full of puzzles that many people do not even realise are puzzles,so above all, I hope that you will be able to see the fun behind these everyday secrets. So let's start on familiar territory by asking, who pays for your coffee?

Strength from scarcity

If there's a profitable deal to be done between somebody who has something unique and someone who has something which can be replaced, then the profits will go to the owner of the unique resource.

Bargaining strength comes through scarcity: settlers are scarce and meadows are not, so landlords have no bargaining power. If relative scarcity shifts from one person to another, bargaining shifts as well. As long as there is any, competition between lanlords who have not attracted any tenants will keep rents very low.

Sometimes relative scarcity and bargaining strength really do change quickly, and with profound effects on people's lives.

We often complain about symptoms - the high cost of buying a cup of coffee, or even a house. They symptoms cannot be treated successfully without understanding the patterns of scarcity which underlie them.

It's important to note here that there is no absolute value: everything is relative to that marginal land.

Two things determine the rent on prime locations like meadowland: the difference in agricultural productivity between meadows and marginal land, and the importance of the agricultural productivity itself.

At $1 a bushel, five bushels of grain is a $5 rent. At $200,000 a bushel, five bushel of grain is a $1 million land. Meadows command high rents only if the grain they help produce is also valuable.

For coffee bars and similar establishments selling snacks or newspapers, cheaper rent is no compensation for the loss of a flood of price-blind customers.

Economics is partly about modelling, about articulating basic principles and patterns that operate behind seemingly complex subjects like the rent on farms or coffee bars.

The relationship between scarcity and bargaining strength, which goes far beyond coffee or farming and ultimately explains much of the world around us. Hidden social patterns that become evident only when one focuses on the essential underlying processes.